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Simply add your resume or job and be instantly connected! We are not a job board.

What can we help you with?

Mobile App


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Employer Services

Everything you need to hire - all in one place

Live Interviews

Find the perfect match and interview live directly through our platform.

Skills Testing

Take the guess work out of training and hiring. Choose from 500 standard job based and subject based tests.

Background Checks

Reduce your time to hire by 80% and get results in minutes.

Successful Guhuza Users


Corporate Recruiter

Guhuza is so user friendly and efficient for time management. Thanks to Guhuza, I’ve been able to reach and connect with candidates faster than any traditional recruiting method.


Job Seeker

It's a great solution!  Created my profile, very efficient and straightforward process. Waiting to see how effective it would be for me!


Small Business Owner

What a great way to find candidates fast!  Was able to make a hire within 24 hours by using this new platform.  Definitely recommend this site to anyone looking to hire outside of the box.

Our advanced technology matches the job seekers profile with jobs on our site and ranks them for our employers based on skills required for the position.

Once the match has been made, live interviews can be conducted immediately right through our platform!

Guhuza's cutting edge technology eliminates 90% of the time in the hiring & job search process.

No applying - no wasted time on applications or research
Our matching AI technology connects job seekers and employers instantly
Entire process automated from job opening to the job seeker starting
Less than 24 hours to have someone start (interviewed & all checks done)

Our Partners

Toronto Recruiters Conference
ToTech Career Fair
Toronto EntrePreneurs Conference
Venture Labs
Humber College
Trios College


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