7 Tips for Leading an Effective Video Conference Meeting
With many still working from home as a result of COVID-19, in-person meetings have been replaced with video conferencing.
There can be such a thing as too many ZOOM calls, as noted in our article “Tired of Working from Home? 7 Tips for Beating Remote Work Fatigue”, but it does have its place.
Especially now with most people working remotely, scheduling video conferences can ensure that your team members are in the loop, allows employees to ask questions, and keeps up a certain level of professionalism.
So with that said, here are a few of our tips on running an effective video conference.
1. Set an agenda.
Prior to the meeting, email out a brief overview of what the conference is going to be about. Not only does this allow you to stay on track when leading the meeting, but it informs your employees about what will be discussed and allow them to think of any questions they may have.
2. Come to the meeting early.
In the world of technology, you never know what could go wrong. Conferencing in five or 10 minutes before the meeting starts can allow you to make sure everything is technically sound.
3. Conduct the meeting in a quiet space.
This may be hard, especially if you are helping your kids with remote learning or you have others in your household also working from home, but you can always help to limit background noise by putting yourself on mute when you are listening.
4. Don’t recap points for those who are late to the meeting.
You may find that there are a few who are late conferencing into a meeting. When this happens, don’t stop mid-way point and start re-capping everything you already said. This will frustrate and distract those who are already on the call. You can speak to the person(s) late to the meeting after.
5. Don’t have too many employees on one call.
If they don’t need to be there, don’t invite additional team members to a conference.
6. Introducing a new team member.
If you have a new hire, scheduling a video conference to go over other team members and their roles is not a bad idea. Especially since right now we aren’t able to work in person, this will help them get familiar with everyone who works at the organization.
7. Re-cap your points at the end of the meeting.
To close out your meeting, re-cap the goal of the conference and important points. At this time you can also ask your team if they have any questions and let them know they can also email you after the meeting as well.
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