
Recruiter Buzzwords

Are you an aspiring recruiter or a small business owner making your first hire?

You’ve probably come across terminology like onboarding, talent pipeline, or job board… but do you know what they mean?

Below we have compiled a list of common recruitment terms and unpacked their meaning to help you get a head start!

Talent Acquisition: This is sort of a new term, but it’s just another name for someone who is a recruiter or someone who acquires talent for a company.

Onboarding: This refers to the process of bringing someone into the organization or company after they have been hired. During this phase is when the new hire would get their workspace, receive their laptop, receive a training program, and whatever else they need to get them up to speed.

Outplacement: These are services that are designed to help those who have been terminated to find another job. It can be in the form of coaching, resume mining, etc.

Head-hunter: This is generally someone who works in a recruiting firm and their job is to look for talent. The term is quite out-dated, but if at any point you do come across this term, you’ll know that it’s in reference to someone who is in recruiting. Some other terms people may use to describe recruiters:

  • Staffing Consultant

  • Recruiting Manager

  • Senior Staffing Consultant

  • Talent Acquisition (like mentioned above)

Corporate Recruiter: This is a recruiter who searches for positions for their own internal organization, as opposed to recruiters who work at staffing agencies, where they are helping their clients find staff.

Talent Pipeline: Refers to your pool of candidates for a particular role.

Culture Fit: Refers to how a potential hire could fit or mesh into your organization.

Employee Turnover: Used to describe how frequently employees leave an organization. So for example, a high turnover rate may indicate that there are problems within the organization and they may be having difficulty keeping staff.

Watch Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA, President of Guhuza discuss this topic here.

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Guhuza is the new way of recruitment. It is an innovative Canadian platform that goes beyond the features of a traditional job board. It uses breakthrough technology to instantly match employers and job seekers for the ultimate hiring experience.

Our advanced technology matches job seekers' profiles with jobs on our site and ranks them for employers based on the skills required for the position. Once the match has been made, live interviews can be conducted right through our platform.

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