
How to Land Your Perfect Job

There are many reasons why we find ourselves in a job we don’t like. A recent graduate may accept a position as a way to boost their resume. People trade off short commute times in place of high-paying jobs in the city for more financial security.

Instead of working for a company that you don’t find fulfilling, have you ever thought about taking a risk to find your dream job?

Below we have provided you with a two-step process on how you can find a job or career path that aligns with your goals, aspirations, values, and more…

1. Write down everything you are looking for in that “perfect job.”
Take some time to reflect on what kind of a position you want, what company you want to work for, and how that fits into your personal life. Some suggestions to think about include:

  • What kind of hours do you want to work? Do you want to work at a regular 9-5 job or a job that has more flexible hours?

  • Do you mind driving to work every day or do you want to find a job that allows you to work from home on occasion?

  • How do you want to dress every day? Do you want to dress professionally on a daily basis, more casually, or have something like Dress Down Fridays?

  • What size of company do you want to work for? Small to medium-sized for a more tight-knit connection of employees or a corporation?

  • Are you looking to work for a company that has particular values?

2. Start reaching out to professionals that are working in your “perfect job.”
This is a little harder right now with the pandemic, but you can still utilize platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn (especially) to reach out to professionals in various businesses and organizations. Share with your network and beyond that, you are looking for a job and what your ideal job looks like. You never know who you’ll meet that may know of someone who is looking for someone like you or may be able to counsel you on how you can attain your perfect job.

Watch Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA, President of Guhuza discuss this topic here.

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Guhuza is the new way of recruitment. It is an innovative Canadian platform that goes beyond the features of a traditional job board. It uses breakthrough technology to instantly match employers and job seekers for the ultimate hiring experience.

Our advanced technology matches job seekers' profiles with jobs on our site and ranks them for employers based on the skills required for the position. Once the match has been made, live interviews can be conducted right through our platform.

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