
Tips on How to Make a Career Change

Got the job of your dreams, but for some reason it doesn’t feel right?

It’s not uncommon for people to realize that they don’t like their job anymore or that they didn’t even like their job to begin with. It can be a hard reality to accept, especially after you’ve dedicated all your schooling and work experience towards this one career you had in mind.

But it doesn’t mean that you’re stuck. A lot of people quit their jobs, go back to school, or take some time to reflect and switch careers.

Below are some tips on taking the first step to making a career change.

1. Evaluate your current job, interests, and skills.
Avoid making quick decisions just because you think you may not like your job anymore. Take some time to analyze your current job and its responsibilities and reflect on what you like and don’t like about it. Think beyond the job as well. Where would you geographically like to work, what would the work culture look like, how would you like to dress every day, etc. Once you compile this information together, you’ll be in a better position to determine if making a career switch is right for you.

2. Look at hiring a career coach.
If you’re having trouble evaluating your current employment situation on your own, look into hiring a career coach. A common misconception about career coaches is that they will find a job for you… which is not the case. A career coach will work with you and look at everything from your education, experience, interests, to your behaviour to help you make an informed decision about your career. Click here to learn more about career coaches.

3. Network.
If you determine you want to make a career change… don’t quit your job just yet. Connect with people who are in the field you are looking to get into and pick their brain. Ask them how they got to the position they’re in, get them to describe their day, what’s their favourite part about their job, etc.

4. Volunteer.
You can take it one step further and try volunteering in a position that reflects your perspective career change before taking the plunge. This will give you an even better idea about what this new job will entail by actually getting to do the work.

5. Determine if you need more school/training.
Depending on your educational background and employment history, take into consideration that you may have to go back to school or enroll in an online training program to gain certain skills set if you want a career in a certain field.

6. Make the switch at the right time.
Don’t make a career change just for the sake of it. As mentioned above, take your time to determine if a career change is right for you. By making major changes like this too quickly, it will be more difficult to reverses the situation if you realize it was a mistake.

Click here to watch President of Guhuza Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA discuss this topic.

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