
"What's wrong with my resume?"

“What’s wrong with my resume?” A common question asked by many job seekers.

Below are some tips on how you can improve your resume in order to increase your chances of getting matched on Guhuza.

1. Format your resume.

Format your resume so that it is clear and concise when an employer reads it. Don’t overly complicate your resume such as using long sentences. A resume is a snapshot of your work history, so keep your resume no longer than two pages long only listing relevant positions related to the type of work you are hoping to get matched with.

2. List the city you reside in.

You don’t have to provide your whole address, just providing the city is enough. Adding this information to your resume helps hiring managers aid you in finding job opportunities close to where you live and if you’re open to job opportunities in another city, make a note on your resume that you are “willing to relocate.”

3. Make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.

Run your resume through spellcheck or have someone look over it. This is an easy way to show your attention to detail.

4. Include keywords in your resume.

Including keywords in your resume increases your chances of being matched with employers who are searching for candidates like you with a specific skill set on Guhuza. For example, if you are familiar with programs like QuickBooks or Adobe Photoshop, ensure to name them in your resume.

5. Tighten up your privacy settings on your social media.

The hiring manager may do a quick Google search for your name to see what comes up online after your interview. Even if you don’t have anything “bad” online, it’s a good idea to add a couple more privacy settings and maintain professionalism.

For more tips, you can watch President of Guhuza Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA, discuss this topic here.

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