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Things to Think About Before Taking a Sabbatical


A sabbatical can be a great way to recharge your batteries and get some time for yourself and see life from a different perspective. This article will cover some of the pros and cons and other issues to consider before taking a sabbatical.


A sabbatical is a period away from your normal work routine. The average length of a sabbatical is 6 months, but can last anywhere from a few weeks to a year or longer. This period can be paid or unpaid time off. This is a time to put yourself in a different environment – physical, mental or both. Some companies award paid sabbaticals to their employees for long service.


1. Learning and Developing New Skills
A sabbatical is a great time to learn or develop a new skill(s), whether it is related to your work or not. It could be related to improving your work skills or something completely unrelated.

2. Relax, Recharge your Batteries

A sabbatical can be a great way to give yourself a much needed and deserved break. Everyone needs a break from their regular routine at some point, whether it is a one week vacation or a long sabbatical, to relax and enjoy life. This can serve as a great time even if it’s just to spend time decompressing.

3. Improve your Relationship with your Spouse or Family

Another way to spend time during a sabbatical is to spend time with your family and/or rekindle your relationship with your spouse. This can have incredible long term benefits for you and can make up for all the times when you came home late, worked weekends, etc.

4. Live your Dream

You can use sabbatical time to live your dream, whether it’s writing a book, climbing Mount Everest or traveling around the world. The time could also be used to learn a new language or take a new course. Alternatively, the time may be used to spend time caring for an elderly parent.

5. Good PR for the Company

An advantage for your employer to allow employees to take sabbaticals is the good public relations it can afford the employer, especially if it’s a reward for a long-time employee. It also can significantly improve employee relations. It can also be used as a recruitment tool to attract new employees.

6. Increased Productivity upon your Return

After an extended leave of absence, your productivity generally increases, benefiting not only yourself but also your employer.


1. Possible difficulty in returning

There may be some resentment from other employees when you return from a sabbatical. Some other employees may see you as having been given a benefit that they may never get and be envious. You need to be aware that the office dynamics may change negatively towards you in the short term upon your return.

2. Employer not allowing you to take a sabbatical

One of the difficulties will be actually asking your employer for a sabbatical, if your company doesn’t have a sabbatical policy. Depending on your relationship, asking for a sabbatical may be viewed negatively by your employer.


1. Can you afford the time off?

If your employer doesn’t pay for your sabbatical, can you afford an unpaid leave for an extended time? Some employers may also pay a part of your normal salary during your leave, but will that be sufficient for you?

2. Can you meet your needs with a long vacation as opposed to a sabbatical?

It may be that to accomplish some of the advantages above (e.g. recharging your batteries), all you need is an extended vacation such as 2-4 weeks and not a full sabbatical. You might consider whether a long vacation may be sufficient for your requirements.

3. Continuous Service

You may need to consider if your continuous service with your employer is affected by taking a sabbatical. Will a sabbatical be considered a break from your continuous service? Could it impact any pension or other benefits that you might have accrued as a result of your continuous service?

4. Can your work be covered during your leave?

Will someone be able to fill in for you while you’re away? What will be the effect on clients/customers, direct or indirect reports and/or suppliers? How will your work be handled while you’re away?

5. Will you be able to commit to returning?

You might think that you will return to your employer after your sabbatical, but after 6 months of traveling around the world are you going to have the same mindset? Your employer may realize that you might not return and deny you taking a sabbatical.

6. Smaller Businesses vs. Larger Businesses

It is more likely that a larger business will be able to accommodate a sabbatical. A small business may not be able to afford having an employee off for that long a time period. Regardless of size, by explaining to your employer the benefits to both you and them, they may look at a sabbatical with a different perspective. For example, if you plan to spend the time doing market research on a new product that will be beneficial for your employer, your company may view it as a possible win-win situation.

7. Plan Ahead – Time will Fly

Based on feedback from people who have taken sabbaticals in the past, many have mentioned that the time will go by much faster than expected. Make sure to plan your time well ahead to make sure that you do all the things you intend to do.

8. Don’t Feel Guilty

You’ve earned time off because of your hard work. Take the time off and use it without remorse.


As noted above, there are many advantages of taking a sabbatical. In fact, there are probably more benefits overall than negatives to both you and your employer. Having an open and honest discussion with your employer about the advantages might help convince them that it can be beneficial for both parties.

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