
Top Tips for Acing the Interview Process

With employment on the rise, it's time to brush up on those job search skills that have been practiced since the economic downtown and finally put them to use. With the competition stronger than ever, there is one chance to make a remarkable first impression on a potential employer. Interviews are the key component that will make or break a chance for landing a position.

We at receive 100's of comments from employers in regards to interviews conducted from job seekers on our website. We have taken their feedback, tossed in some advice from our Recruitment Managers and have compiled a list below of the top five things to keep in mind during and before the interview process.

The Top Five Include:
  1. First and Foremost, Be Prepared: One of the worst case scenarios for an employer is interviewing a candidate that doesn't have a hard copy of their resume, isn't dressed professionally and doesn't have a clue of the background of the organization. Research the company the night before the interview. Have they won awards recently? Are they doing any special events in the next 3-6 months? Knowing this information shows how eager the candidate is to work for their organization. It also shows the level of effort that the candidate will bring to the position.
  2. Keep all Comments Positive: One of the main questions asked in an interview is "Why did you leave your last position". If the reason for leaving was that the employer was "the company treated their employees like ****" or "the boss and I didn't see eye to eye", it would be a good idea to creatively turn these comments into a positive. Badmouthing prior employers may make the future employer think you may do the same to their organization.
  3. LISTEN: It is very important to let the employer finish the question before answering. There is nothing more annoying to an employer than to be interrupted and overtaken by a job seeker during the interview. This trait also shows how the candidate will perform in a team environment. One of the main components of teamwork is listening to the ideas of others.
  4. Yes, we live in a Social Society but turn off all Electronic Devices: Over 45% of employers we have spoken to have indicated that over 20% of candidates they have interviewed have had their phone ring during an interview. Of the 20%, 50% of these candidates have proceeded to answer the call/text during the interview. This is automatic cause for an employer to stop the interview. Leave your cell phone in the car or turn if off before you proceed to meet with your potential employer.
  5. Rehearse: There are 100's of websites on the internet to assist you in preparing for potential interview questions. Review these potential questions and practice probable answers. Answers to employer's questions during an interview also work well with real life scenarios. Think of past accomplishments that you can relay to your potential employer that will make you shine. Once you have prepared, practice the interview process with a friend, family member or even in the mirror. A good idea is to also jot down questions that you can ask the interviewer.

Good Luck in your Job Search!!

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