How do I change my email address?
If a job seeker or employer would like to change their email address, they need to sign into their account using the following link:
Once logged in, they can change their email address under their “Account.”
After a job seeker/employer changes their email address, Guhuza will send them a confirmation to the new email address to confirm that they are changing their email address. Job seekers/employers should ensure they check their spam and junk folder if the confirmation doesn’t appear.
After clicking on the confirmation link in the email, the update will be made and job seekers/employers will start to get notifications to their new email address.
If job seekers/employers can not change their email to the address that they want, it means that the address already exists in Guhuza. You are not able to have two accounts under the same email address and you can not merge two accounts together. Therefore, job seekers/employers would need to close one account.
To register as a job seeker please visit:
To register as an employer please visit:
Please ensure to add to your email safelist so you don’t miss any interview requests.