Can I try Guhuza first without paying?
Yes, employers can try Guhuza without payment first when they sign up for a live interview subscription.
This free trial is available to first-time users and is available for 30 days/one month.
Once the free trial is up, employers have the ability to purchase pay-as-you-go, monthly, or annual subscriptions for live interviews.
Free trials are not available for background screening or skills testing. Specific background checks and tests are purchased on an individual basis and have a set price point based on the check or test an employer is purchasing.
To learn more about live interviews click here:
To learn more about background screening click here:
To learn more about skills testing click here:
To register as a job seeker please visit:
To register as an employer please visit:
Please ensure to add to your email safelist so you don’t miss any interview requests.