
5 Productivity Hacks for Recruiters & Hiring Managers

Recruiters and hiring managers have gotten a lot busier over the last couple of months.

With Ontario being in step three of its re-opening plan, many companies and organizations have ramped up their hiring after being on hold for nearly the last year and a half due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Although this is a positive move in the industry, many recruiters are overwhelmed with the number of positions they need to fill and candidate interviews they need to juggle.

Below we have provided you with five productivity tips on how recruiters can improve their time.

1. Create email templates.
Instead of constantly re-writing similar emails repeatedly, why not have set templates created for your more frequently sent emails? Whether it’s an email about asking for references, a job offer, or a rejection letter – have these emails ready to go by creating a template and making them easily customizable to change a candidate’s name.

2. Use Guhuza.
Managing interviews the traditional way is slow and time-consuming - why not use Guhuza instead? Guhuza is an all-in-one recruiting platform that allows you to complete the entire hiring process all in one place. Its matching technology will match you with appropriate job seekers when you upload your open positions. Once the match has been made, you can conduct live interviews right on the spot. You can also complete your background checks and skills testing too.

3. Group key members of each department together.
This will help you save time by speaking with multiple people at once, rather than each person individually at different times. For example, if your company or organization is looking to hire a sales representative, you can meet with various sales leaders and one of the managers in the sales department at the same time, so they can collaborate on what they are looking for in the next hire to give you a better idea from multiple perspectives.

4. Prioritize your workload.
With many interviews and open positions on your plate, it can be tough to decide what to tackle first. To help you prioritize, look at everything and determine things like the ideal start date, how it impacts the company or organization, whether it will be an easy or a hard fill, etc. This will help you determine what to work on first and what you can put to the side for the time being.

5. Take advantage of your existing talent pool.
It’s important to have a database of candidates who you previously interviewed on Guhuza, candidates who had great experience but at the time didn’t make the cut, people who have been referred to you, candidates you have met at networking events, etc. As you keep growing this list, you’ll be able to rely more on finding candidates on this list (which has already been vetted) versus looking for external candidates and starting from scratch.

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Guhuza is the new way of recruitment. It is an innovative Canadian platform that goes beyond the features of a traditional job board. It uses breakthrough technology to instantly match employers and job seekers for the ultimate hiring experience.

Our advanced technology matches job seekers' profiles with jobs on our site and ranks them for employers based on the skills required for the position. Once the match has been made, live interviews can be conducted right through our platform.

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