
Adjusting Your Performance Evaluations During a Pandemic

Yearly evaluation of employees is a standard practice at organizations.
Not only do performance reviews help employees become aware of their positive contributions and goals they can set for the coming year, but it also helps the employer track an employee’s progress to help steer them in the right direction at the company.

However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s likely that the typical things you would include in your evaluations need some altering to reflect the times we’re in.

Below we have provided you three points to consider discussing with your employees during this year’s performance evaluations.

1. Leadership
The topic of leadership doesn’t just pertain to those who are in higher level positions like a manager, it’s relevant to every employee – especially during a pandemic. Whether an employee took on additional responsibilities due to layoffs at the company or juggled working from home and helping their kids with remote learning – it’s worth acknowledging how everyone stepped up to the plate over the last 16 months.

2. Adaptability
The pandemic threw every company for a loop and both employers and employees had to quickly change gears and start working from home. Take time to make mention of your teams’ adaptability – from changing work locations, learning new video conferencing platforms, adjusting business goals – acknowledge your employees’ ability to adjust at moments notice.

3. Teamwork
It takes a lot of solid teamwork for a company to shift and pivot. Not everyone adjusted at the same pace – whether it was getting the hang of new technology, learning to work more independently at home, becoming more flexible – it takes a lot of communication, patience, and understanding from each employee to be a success.

No one could have predicted the pandemic and the massive changes that came about with it, so it’s important as an employer to recognize the adjustments that had to be made by employees which they had no control over to keep things functional.

How has your performance evaluations changed since the pandemic hit? Send us an email to and let us know!

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