
Five Goals Every Employer Should Make for 2021

The start of the new year signifies a time of reflection, change, and improvement. Many people think about setting personal goals in January like eating healthier, having more appreciation, or reading more.

But what about setting goals at your company or organization? If you’re an employer, below we have provided you with five goals you should consider making in 2021.

1. Learn to be more adaptable.
This goal is an obvious one with the looming coronavirus pandemic. With many people still working from home and many businesses and organizations taking huge hits, it’s important for your company to be able to adapt during a health/economic crisis. If your company has been struggling with remote working or closures, analyze your current business model in the new year and determine if:

  • Your model allows you to adapt to a more remote environment?

  • What steps are you going to take when equipment goes down?

  • How familiar are your employees with technology?

2. Being more open to remote work.
There are mixed opinions about this goal. Some people loved the switch from working in the office to home and others not so much. If you have some employees that would love to continue working from home after the pandemic think about:

  • What would it look like if they continued working full-time from home? If you’re still feeling hesitant, would you be okay with part-time?

  • Creating a more in-depth, concrete communication plan with remote workers going forward.

  • How will you maintain your company culture with those who are working from home versus those in the office?

Also, keep in mind that those who apply to future openings at your company may be asking more and more about remote working options. If you don't have these options set up/available, you could steer amazing candidates away.

3. Improving employee mental health and wellness.
The pandemic brought on huge stress to many employers and employees. From adjusting to working from home, remote learning with kids, the number of rising COVID-19 cases, etc., companies need to get better at providing mental health and wellness support for their employees when they need it. This means providing more tools and resources for staff on how to improve their well-being, encouraging employees to take mental health days, helping members of your company communicate more about their concerns, etc.

4. Creating better employee engagement.
How are you going to maintain engagement among your staff, especially for those who live alone? We don’t know how long this pandemic will last, so if engagement is low among your staff, those who are alone will feel even more isolated. Schedule casual ZOOM meetings with your employees or encourage staff to reach out to one another, as a starting point.

5. Updating your company perks.
Your employees’ needs will change if they are working from home. For example, you can review your company’s benefits package to ensure it has more mental health and wellness options for when your staff is feeling burnt out. Including something like this will also go beyond our current pandemic situation and will boost positivity and morale in the company.


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