
Career Goal Ideas for Job Seekers in the New Year

January symbolizes new beginnings, fresh starts, and a time of reflection for the year ahead.

People often set out a list of personal goals they would like to accomplish like eating healthier, getting more sleep, following a more consistent workout routine, reading more, having more gratitude, etc.

But what about your career goals? Whether you have an itch to switch careers in the new year or just want to improve your work ethic and skills in your current career, below we provided you with a few tips to consider when reflecting on the changes you want to make in 2021.

1. Figure out what you want to accomplish.
If you want to change careers, start off by thinking about what you want and don’t want out of a job like:

  • What type of environment do you want to work in?

  • What do you look for in team players?

  • Are company values important to you?

  • What are your salary expectations?

If you’re looking to level up in your current career you could:

  • Take an online course to learn more about a specific skill.

  • Attend virtual educational webinars or speaking sessions.

  • Ask and see if you can take on more responsibilities in the office

2. Update/keep your portfolio updated.
It’s generally a good idea to keep your cover letter, resume, and LinkedIn profile as updated as possible. Just like you would maintain your car by getting an oil change when it needs one, the same applies to your professional life – it keeps you organized. Include things like certification or training programs you’ve completed, volunteer experience, board member participation, etc. If you are looking to switch careers, you never know what skills or experiences will be of interest to a hiring manager, even if it isn’t related.

3. Make new connections.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to people on LinkedIn! Especially if you’re looking for a career change, a great way to get a feel for an industry is to actually talk to someone who’s in it. Try setting up a video or phone call with someone to pick their brain. Want to learn more about the industry you’re currently in? Reach out to other professionals and ask if they have any recommendations for a specific training program, reading materials, or industry-related websites.

4. Do your own research.
Another way to learn more about an industry, especially if you’re thinking about switching to a new one is - researching. Research things like:

  • What will this job look like in the next 5, 10, or even 15 years?

  • What kind of personality do I need to have to fit this industry?

  • Do I need additional training?

  • What are the trending issues in the field right now?

If you aren’t switching careers… keeping up to date with the latest industry knowledge will give you an extra edge in the office.


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