
New Year's Resolutions for Job Seekers

The new year is the perfect time for a fresh start!

Whether you’re searching for a new job or looking to up your game in your current career, January is a great time to reflect and set goals for the year ahead.

Below we have provided you with five easy resolutions you can make for 2021 to get one step closer to whatever your career aspirations are!

1. Update your resume.
If you’re planning on finding a new position, make sure your resume is up to date. If you’ve learned a new skill, earned a certification, or changed your contact information, ensure you update it in your resume and cover letter.

2. Enhance your skills.
Reflect on whether there are any new skills in your industry you could acquire. It could be something technical like familiarizing yourself with a particular program or it could be something more personal like getting better at presenting. Once you’ve figured out what you would like to improve on, there are tons of resources online like various training videos, certification courses, or reading material that can help you improve.
3. Increase your networking.
Taking the time to meet new people can help you not only in your job search, but also enhance your career. Reach out to professionals in your industry through LinkedIn and spark up a conversation, attend job fairs (virtual ones now with the pandemic) to connect with other job seekers or experts, reach out to previous employers, etc.

4. Perfect your interviewing skills.
Practice answering common and industry-specific interview questions by thinking of examples or scenarios from your past experiences you could use to bring depth to these questions. Due to the coronavirus, brush up on your video interviewing skills and anticipate employers asking questions related to the pandemic.

Click here to read our article on “Preparing for a Job Interview During a Pandemic” and click here to read out article on Video Interviewing Tips.

5. Creating a better work-life balance.
Think of some ways you can de-stress during your downtime. Take some time to exercise, meditate, read more, connect with your family and friends, etc. Focusing on your quality of life when you aren’t working will help you focus and perform better when you are at work.

Headway Workforce Solution

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Guhuza is the new way of recruitment. It is an innovative Canadian platform that goes beyond the features of a traditional job board. It uses breakthrough technology to instantly match employers and job seekers for the ultimate hiring experience.

Our advanced technology matches job seekers' profiles with jobs on our site and ranks them for employers based on the skills required for the position. Once the match has been made, live interviews can be conducted right through our platform.

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