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The Changing Career Path – How the Workforce is Changing and What you Need to do About it

The workforce is constantly evolving and employees need to keep up with it. Temporary workers are on the rise, and even preferred by some employees. According to Statistics Canada, part-time jobs have increased by 2.3 times more than full-time jobs from 2012 to 2014. (see

Benefit programs and perks offered by employers are also decreasing. Following are ways in which the workforce is changing and tips to help you manage these changes.

Permanent and Full-time Jobs are More Difficult to Secure
Temporary, contract, and part-time jobs are becoming more popular and these types of positions typically offer lower wages and less job security.
Flex work hours and telecommuting are also becoming the new trend. Have some flexibility in what you’re looking for when searching for a new position.

Organizations are offering fewer benefits compared to previous years and programs, including health, dental, and life insurance have been cut or reduced in many positions. Additionally, part-time, temporary, and contract jobs typically don’t offer benefits. You might want to consider getting your own benefit plan (e.g.,

Decrease in Pensions
Pensions are not being offered by many employers now: employees are expected to take care of their own retirement plans. Workers are also not necessarily retiring at 65 – there’s a tendency to work longer. According to Future Workforce’s “Multiple Generations @ Work” survey, 78% of baby boomers say that they will be working until they are 70 (see

Job Hopping
In the past many employees expected to stay in their jobs for their whole career and at the same time employers frowned upon job hopping. In 2015, changing jobs every few years has become the new normal and may be beneficial to your career if you have the opportunity to learn new skills.

Corporate Culture
There are currently five generations and a variety of cultures in the workplace. Be prepared to work with a diverse group of people who may be older, younger and/or have a background, culture and belief system that is different from yours.

Up-to-Date Resume
With reduced job security in today’s environment, it’s important to keep your resume up-to-date. If a new job opportunity comes along or you unexpectedly lose your job, you need to be prepared with an up-to-date resume.

Training and Development
It has become necessary for workers to constantly update their training. Mentor programs are being used as a training resource and to help set a mentee’s career in the right direction. Goal setting is important to know if you are on the right path to achieving your career goals. Going through this exercise can provide direction and meaning, ultimately making an employee more satisfied with their job.

Increase in Technology
The increased use of technology in the workplace has made it possible to work from both your mobile and from home. There has also been a greater demand for flexible work hours. An increased knowledge of technology skills has become a job requirement for many positions.

Work-Life Balance
There has been an increase in telecommuting, video conferencing, and overtime in many jobs. Work overload may cause stress and it’s important to manage your work-life balance for your health and productivity.

Increase in Social Media
Social media has become necessary for networking and staying connected. Social network recruiting is on the rise and is used by employers to discover talent, target passive applicants, and employer branding. Job seekers use social media for networking and obtaining referrals.

The workforce is rapidly changing and it is essential to embrace these changes. Flexible jobs, and jobs with career development, are becoming more desirable to many employees. The increase of technology and social media in the workplace has made them valuable tools for job seekers.

Remember to have an up-to-date resume and be prepared for additional changes that may come your way.

Marc Belaiche is a CPA, CA and is President of, an Internet recruitment business and recruiting firm located in the Greater Toronto Area. Marc is also the author of the book “Tales from the Recruiter”. Marc has been in the recruitment industry since 1995. allows companies to post their positions online, search a resume database to find candidates, provides full temporary and permanent recruitment and outplacement services. also allows candidates to search and apply to positions directly online and get career, interviewing and resume tips all at no charge. Marc is also President of, an organization geared towards business owners (see and has the annual Toronto Entrepreneurs Conference (see You can reach Marc at and check out at

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