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How to Boost Productivity By Refreshing Your Workspace

Summer has arrived! Did you totally miss the boat on spring cleaning? Lucky for you, it's never too late to consider refreshing your workspace and getting organized. Bonus: those are also great ways to boost your productivity! At the office, we’re taking the following tips to heart and preparing to dive into the summer months with clear minds (and clear desks)!

Your clutter (a.k.a. “organized chaos”) may not be as obvious to you as it is to everyone else. Step back from your desk and take in your entire workspace with a fresh perspective. Ask yourself what you need within arm’s reach and what can be sorted through and filed/put away. Items like car keys, extra mugs, other personal items and paperwork should be put away in their designated places.

Dividing your workspace into designated sections can be simple and effective, regardless of the size of your desk or workstation. With smaller desks, you might need one area for your laptop and another for taking notes while on a phone call, for example. Larger spaces might also include a desktop storage system (think stacked paper trays or desktop file organizers). Assess your day-to-day needs and arrange your space accordingly to avoid scrambling as you switch from task to task.

Nobody said organization had to be boring! Up the fun factor by using coloured folders, post-it notes and page tabs – each colour representing a different client, project or due date, for example. Adding pops of colour and creating a system will make you more likely to properly manage organization going forward.

In the case of the beloved junk drawer, out of sight is not always out of mind. Shoving things in a drawer (or cupboard, or box) might be a temporary solution, but over time you’ll just stop opening it. Make an effort to sort through your catch-all space – get rid of the clutter you have no use for and organize the rest. Inexpensive drawer dividers and sorters can make all the difference! We suggest scheduling this task in your calendar for every couple months in order to stay on top of it.

Clearing away clutter doesn’t mean leaving your workspace looking dull. A couple personal touches are a great way to stay connected to other aspects of life that are important to you, which in turn act as motivation and comfort when work is busy. A framed photo, thoughtful birthday card, small plant or special mug are perfect examples of appropriate personal touches that won’t distract you from important tasks.

Just because things look tidy doesn’t always mean they’re clean. Have disinfectant wipes handy and wipe down surfaces weekly (or even more often – especially if other people frequently share your workspace). Be sure to focus on your computer keyboard/mouse, telephone, drawer handles and even smaller items like pens or staplers that get used often and might come in contact with other people.

For those regularly working on a computer, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of being overwhelmed by endless desktop icons. It can be a daunting task, but we promise that organizing your desktop will leave you feeling refreshed and relieved! Start with making folders by year or major project and drag in loose files, folders and icons accordingly.
By refreshing the space where you spend so much of your time, you’ll find it easier to focus on tasks which will lead to a boost in your productivity. Don’t let a bit of organization overwhelm you! Make the previous tips part of your week-to-week routine and your workspace will soon become the talk of the office for all the right reasons.

Written by Lindsay Ireland, Marketing & Events Manager,

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